Saturday, December 1, 2007

Dec. 1, 1955

I rarely take the bus, but when I do I find it a humbling experience. As it takes so much more time then it is to just get in your car and go. So, on the rare occassion that my car is being serviced or abandoned because of happy hour delights. I find myself on a bus stop unwillingly at the mercy of someone elses schedule. But as I wait I start to look around and see my neighborhood, my surroundings in great detail a vantage that is hardly viewed through windshield. It isn't climate controlled and it doesn't have a trendy soundtrack. It is beyond my control and we all need to be reminded how good we have it. Rosa Parks sat down in the "whites only" section of the bus on this date 52 years ago. She was tired of being seggregated. This was not long ago, this was just a generation ago. My parents generation! They knew a time where they had to choose what fountain to drink from and what bathroom to use and not being "white" or "black" the decision was not always easy. But I raise my glass today for Rosa Parks for her I owe my right of being equal.

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