Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Best thing in my life!

Because I am part cyborg I generally exist on routine (yes, I know its subtle) and this makes top 5 on my list of to do every day... No jokes...its up there with eating, sleeping, brushing teef, and sex! Butter me up...
I heart this product! You will too!
So, now I just need a man to rub my back with it...meow!

Monday, October 27, 2008

World Series-Game 4 Phillies-vs-Rays

Check out my roommate-Angela doing hair on the Fox sports set...right here in Philadelphia! And Yes, we won 10-2!

Who do I want?

As I am aging at a rate similar to the speed of light...I start to wonder??? Who do I want to spend time with? Who? As in- go to the movies, dinners, parties, wedding date, my date, my man in general...Who do I want to be with? This has been on my mind (or at least the back of my mind) for quite some time and I can no longer suppress it. I have taxed my gfs to the extreme and I have come to a conclusion. I need someone special in my life...ugh! Someone I can rely on, someone who wants to hold my hand, someone who wants to spend time with me (and I don't have to beg or barter for it) and just having someone who loves me. There's a tall order huh! So, I am calling a casting call...old exes need not apply! I am going hunting...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Where's my bike?

Here I am paying how much per gallon of gas $3.40 and up? WTF is wrong with me? Why can't I bike more? Maybe its the fear of being hit by a car. Since, anyone living in Philly knows how reckless people drive in this city. Not me, of course hence my squeaky clean driving record and my rather low insurance payment of $37 a month proves. :(but I do drive an old heap and I am also an old heap...this does factor in some how in a small trivial way:) But seriously people, can we not drive in the bike lane? Or better yet lets not double park in it? And this may be a stretch but lets try and not swerve into it as I am pedalling along and your SUV can't manage that wee pot hole! Look? You have a SUV=Sports Utility Vehicle!!! IT CAN HANDLE A POT HOLE! Its built that way. But, I know your trying not to dent your rims ...but guess what? I don't give a fuck about your rims! I wanna ride my bike and not end up dead!