Monday, October 27, 2008

Who do I want?

As I am aging at a rate similar to the speed of light...I start to wonder??? Who do I want to spend time with? Who? As in- go to the movies, dinners, parties, wedding date, my date, my man in general...Who do I want to be with? This has been on my mind (or at least the back of my mind) for quite some time and I can no longer suppress it. I have taxed my gfs to the extreme and I have come to a conclusion. I need someone special in my life...ugh! Someone I can rely on, someone who wants to hold my hand, someone who wants to spend time with me (and I don't have to beg or barter for it) and just having someone who loves me. There's a tall order huh! So, I am calling a casting call...old exes need not apply! I am going hunting...


Dave said...

Don't suppose that I can apply for the position?

Suzie Morris said...

YOU'RE PERFECT! I'll help you screen.