Friday, December 7, 2007

Broken windshield

It's Broad street around 4pm its snowing and getting dark. I'm happy enough, heats on and a song I happened to love just started. I have a nostalgic moment as I turn it up. As the chorus starts-"Can you take it all away? Can you take it all away? While you shoved in my face!" I look to my left and notice a police car behind a regular car in the center lane. The traffic slows and I notice the car has a smashed windshield, there's a young woman in tears, and the police officer is writing. Now I pass the whole accident, still singing the song and trying to analyze what I just witnessed. Since, there was only her car and no tow truck, I started to wonder if she had hit a pedestrian! That would make sense, if she had made a right hand turn on to Broad street. Who did she hit? Was he homeless? Where is he now? And I start in to the chorus again- "Can you take it all away? Can you take it all away? Then think- I wonder how hurt that person must be or worse did he die? Judging by how smashed in her windshield was I could only imagine. Well, after a few tears I made it home, thankfully!

1 comment:

intentsandpurposes said...

what a horrible way to start your holidays...